The Rug Network

Privacy Statement


This website (the "Site") is operated by, a division of The Rug Network, LLC (""). This Privacy Statement (the "Statement") describes's collection, use and disclosure of information practices in connection with the Site. This Statement applies to the national version of the Site; located at as well as to any versions of the Site that may elect to operate.  The same shall apply to versions or pages that may elect to co-brand and lastly, any third-party distribution partners and other partners (collectively, "Affiliates") that may elect to engage with.
For purposes of clarification, this Statement also describes's collection, use, and disclosure practices with respect to any personally identifiable information and Usage Data (as defined below) that is provided to by any of its third-party distribution partners that display
This Statement only describes's collection, use and disclosure of information through means other than this Site (e.g., off-line) or the collection, use and disclosure practices of any Affiliate or other third parties. For information on a third party's information collection, use and disclosure practices, please review the privacy policy on the applicable third party's website. Also, please note that this Site contains links to other websites. is not responsible for the websites, content or privacy practices of any third party. By using this Site, you acknowledge that you have read this Statement and agree that you are subject to the Terms of Services.

Collection of Personally Identifiable Information

You are not required to provide any personally identifiable information to visit the Site. automatically collects Usage Data (as described below) and may collect ZIP codes and other information in connection with your use of the Site. collects personally identifiable information only when you make it available through your use of the Site. You may be required to provide personally identifiable information to use certain services on this Site.  The types of personally identifiable information that you provide will depend on the nature of the submission, but could include your name and email address.

Information Use

Personally Identifiable Information: reserves the right to store your “Personally identifiable information” as entered by your use of the Site. may use that gathered information to contact you in regards to the “launch” of the site and other current events and developments related to such.
With respect to promotional materials and newsletters that may send from time to time, will not continue to send you such communications if you ask us not to. However, you agree that may send to you, and you cannot opt out of, communications changes to this Statement or the Terms of Service.

Changes to this Statement

Any changes to this Statement will be posted on the Site in this location and this Statement will be identified as "Updated". Your continued use of the Site after such notice constitutes acceptance of such changes. In the event of such changes, you can then choose to do nothing, modify the personally identifiable information or change your email preferences.


It is accessible only to authorized personnel as needed to perform operations governed by this policy. Please keep in mind that despite these measures, your personally identifiable information is one of our most valuable assets. We take steps to keep it physically secure in our data centers and cannot guarantee or warrant 100 percent security of its servers and databases. Moreover, cannot guarantee that personally identifiable information that you submit through the Site will not be intercepted or otherwise disclosed.


Children believes that it is especially important to protect children's privacy online. does not knowingly collect or use any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13 and does not knowingly provide any personally identifiable information, regardless of its source, to any third party for any purpose whatsoever from visitors younger than 13 years old. No information should be submitted to or posted at by visitors younger than 13 years old.


This Site may contain links to other sites. While encourages our business partners to adopt privacy policies that build users' trust and confidence in the internet, is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of websites linked to the Site or any third-party products or services offered through the Site.

Collection of Information by Third Parties

As noted above, Affiliates and other third parties may collect information about you and your use of the Site through the use of cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies. For example, we may work with companies that collect statistical information regarding Site usage and provide related analytical services. We may work with third-party advertising companies that use cookies and web beacons to serve advertisements when you come to the Site and to generate statistics and metrics related to the delivery of such advertisements. We also may work with third-party advertising networks that use cookies, web beacons and other technologies to collect non-personally identifiable information about your visits to and interactions with this Site and other websites in order to provide targeted advertisements to you across their networks of websites (which may or may not include this Site). These third parties also may use this information for determining or predicting the characteristics and preferences of their respective advertising audiences, for measuring the effectiveness of their advertising and for other purposes.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, please email us at
©2013, The Rug Network, LLC,
The Rug Network LLC
P.O. Box 411
Port Washington, NY 11050

Last updated on 2/02/13